Chakra Gemstones

Chakra Wisdom Gemstone Corresponding Energies
Compiled by Carolyn White PhD
Amazonite – Aligns Heart and Solar Plexus Chakras
Aventurine – Heart Chakra; cleanses etheric, emotional, and mental bodies; helps ally anxiety and fear; promotes positive attitude for life; promotes Thymus gland health; opens both Heart and Throat Chakras
Clear Quartz – Universal Energy; can be used with any chakra to amplify and balance energy; gives energy to entire aura; attracts all seven rainbow colors to physical body; attracts life force energy to disharmonious areas; balances emotional extremes; aligns 3rdEye and Solar Plexus Chakras
Hematite – Sacral Chakra; activates Sacral Chakra; assists all blood disorders relating to iron; elevates low self-esteem
Herkimer Diamond – 3rd Eye Chakra; enhances dreams; cuts through blockages, finds toxins; creates very intense and high frequency
Malachite – 3rd Eye Chakra; Grounds and dissolves negative energies; helps inner vision; opens Chakras; circulates more energy; enhances mental clarity
Rainbow Fluorite – Connects the intuition of the 3rd Eye Chakra and awareness of self of Solar Plexus Chakra; counters depression and disillusionment; breaks up unwanted energies & seeds for positive intentions
Rainbow Moonstone – Sacral and Crown Chakra; assists in transitions; helps to move from retributive to redemptive karma; brings peace and harmony; aligns energy in vertebrae; harmonizes abdomen, pancreas, and pituitary
Smokey Quartz – Throat Chakra; draws energy to physical; protects against negative vibrations and depression; good for healers
Tourmaline (Watermelon) – Heart Chakra; assists in compassion and transformation; tolerance and flexibility; promotes inner honesty and insight; maintains the flexibility to keep the heart chakra healthy; aids in the deeper understanding of spiritual surrender; relaxing and balancing; absorbs and radiates love; queen of gemstones; very calming; both piezoelectric and thermoelectric; opens Crown Chakra; aligns all bodies and Chakras
Zircon – Balances 3rd Eye and Crown Chakras; balances pineal and pituitary glands
Copper – great conductor of electricity; balances body’s polarities; element = water; Heart Chakra; connects physical and astral bodies; aligns a gem stone’s individual energy field; amplifies and transmits though and healing energy; combats fatigue, lethargy, restlessness; helps in acceptance of self; strengthens pineal and pituitary glands; aligns first through 5th (Root through Throat) Chakras
Brass – an alloy of Copper & Zinc; similar properties as copper
Gold – Activates and balances energy; opens and activates 3rd Eye and Crown Chakra; balances Heart Chakra; clears negativity; activates positive energies of minerals and gemstones; solar energy; symbolizes wealth and happiness; Master Healer
Silver – Mirrors soul; strengthens connection between physical and astral bodies; balances intuitive and psychic energies; calming; reflective; moon energy